
How do you make your fur children more comfortable when they are sick

Sick Bentley Bear

Sick Bentley Bear

If your reading this early in the morning I am hopefully out enjoying my long run.  Thanks to all your advice I will be taking it mile by mile and listening to good music to help pass the time.  Yesterday was quite tiring so I am hoping I have the energy to power through.  Before we get the the tough stuff I wanted to talk about my morning workout with Emily.

We went to the gym and completed an upper body and abs circuit workout.  My arms were still somewhat sore from Wednesday’s strength workout so the moves were a bit harder today. It still felt good to get in some strength exercises.

After the gym I came home and made a great smoothie! 

 1/4 cup pineapple Chobani, 
1/2 cup frozen mango, 
1/2 cup frozen peaches,
 1/2 cup frozen spinach, 
1/2 cup water 
 1 scoop chocolate protein powder.
  I know its the color of the yard but it was so tasty!green smoothie

I haven’t blogged about it but the past few days Bentley has been acting kind of off, extra tired, drinking tons of water and having accidents in the house.  I took him to the vet today and after some blood work and urine analysis we realized that he has a kidney infection along with the ear infection I have been treating the past few days.  He was such a trooper, his vet kept commenting on how calm he was, he is normally a crazy man.

The vet wanted to keep him on IV’s in the office for the weekend but after talking about all my horse experience and comfort level with sick animals we decided he could come home with some strong antibiotics and mild pain pills. IMG_0798

We spent the rest of the day laying on the couch together.  I tried to get some school work done, but think I spent more time loving on Bentley than I did looking at school stuff.

I will keep you all updated on the little man.  I am hoping he starts feeling better and acting more like himself soon.  I am going to be a horrible mom to my future kids if I get this upset when my little fur child is sick.

How do you make your fur children more comfortable when they are sick? 
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جديد قسم : children

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